Museum of Combatants and Partisans, Escape - Documents, Protocols, Correspondence

01.01.1944 - 31.12.1947

Reference Code : K 7 a - 13/ 12/ 1

Archive: Museum of Combatants and Partisans
Date Type: Approximate


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Escape: protocol of Netzivei Hatzohar and Betar meeting, 27/7/1944, in Budapest, about Aliyah (immigration) to Israel. Participants: Yehuda Weisberger, Reiner, Rosenthal, Konislinger, Freeman, Neimat and Schindler (Hungarian, Hebrew).
Protocols of first Betar meeting after the war, in Silesia 23/7/1946.
Correspondence of Betar Budapest (Hungary).
Letter to Yosef Klarman of the Rescue Committee, dated 8/16/44 (German) .
Correspondence and circulars of Netzivut Betar in Italy, Italian refugee organization, Immigration Department of Jewish Agency and New Zionist Organization about condition of displaced persons.
List of 69 people from Slovakia found in DP camps in Switzerland.
Also in file: excerpts from newspapers "Hamafil" and "Lenitzahon" about Warsaw Ghetto Uprising (October 1945, Yiddish).
Cover page "Yedioth Netzivut," released in March 1946 in Rome.
Netzivut Betar Italy documents:
Letter to Betar and Hatzohar Austria headquarters, about sending material and movement situation.
Notice designated for Betar Italy members, from Yitzhak Kowalski (Yiddish).
Copy of diary written by Haim Lazar in 1946, with lists of people, books, ghettos, camps rebellions.
Protocol of Betar and Hatzohar Hungary Aliyah Committee meeting.
Agreement signed in Budapest on unified escape.