National Labour Organisation, First National Conference (Founding Conference) of National Labour Organisation - Overviews, Circulars, Lists, Memoranda, Correspondence, Brochure

01.03.1934 - 30.04.1934

Reference Code : D 2 - 32/ 1

Archive: National Labour Organisation
Date Type: Exact


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Brochure content: opening comments by Akiva Brun, comments by Jabotinsky to founding assembly, greetings from Professor Yosef Klausner, speeches with blessings, second conference meeting, Yitzhak Gurion - 'Basic Principles of National Labour Organisation', Zeev Jabotinsky - 'National Labour Organisation', comments to first conference.
Conference meeting to establish National Labour Organisation; list of delegates to first
conference; decisions of first national conference; list of National Labour Organisation branches; lists of Executive Committee members, members of national council, members of supreme court.